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Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Located in the beautiful foothills of the Black Hills, Grace United Methodist Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We invite you to join with us as we journey together in following Jesus. We're definitely not perfect, but we're striving to be faithful, and we thank God for the gift of grace. We look forward to meeting you and hearing your story!

Home: Welcome


Here at Grace United Methodist Church, we are all on a journey of faith. Some are just beginning, some are along the path a ways, and most of us are somewhere in between. We all have a common goal - to grow closer to Jesus. As disciples, we seek to share his love with a world in need by being the hands and feet and voice of Jesus.

WORSHIP and Sunday Mornings

Sunday Mornings - Worship at 9:00 am

Like most churches, there are sure to be things we don't do perfectly. As God's people a part of the Wesleyan tradition, we hope to grow in grace throughout our lives. If you come on Sunday, feel free to wear a dress or suit, or simply comes in a t-shirt and jeans. Come as you are. Our worship music is a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary songs.


If you're new, we'll try to not put you on the spot, but feel free to visit with our pastor or let us know if you need anything. We hope our words and actions convey that you are welcome, accepted, and loved. During our worship service we'll praise and thank God for through prayer and song. If folks have burdens or struggles, we'll also lift those up in prayer, and encourage persons to open up with one another (as they're comfortable) throughout the morning. At about 9:15 we offer Children's Church to those in preschool through sixth grade.


Sunday morning is an opportunity to gather together, to worship together, to rejoice and weep together, to receive forgiveness and extend grace together, to learn and be challenged together, and to experience the grace of God together, to be shaped into faithful disciples of Jesus, together.


You are also invited and encouraged to come to our Adult Sunday School class at 8:oo am and to join us in Fellowship Hall after worship to enjoy a time of connecting and getting to know one another.

Home: Welcome

"God's Favorite Playlist" - Worship Series 5 - The Bible Year


On May 5 we focus on "God Is BESIDE Us." Using Psalm 27 and 40, we delve into God's presence next to us. Psalms 1-41 form the first “book” of Psalms. These psalms mirror the book of Genesis, with themes of fall and redemption, of blessing and salvation running throughout. This book, while mostly psalms of lament, seeks to establish what it means to live in covenantal faithfulness.


On May 12 we focus on "God Is BEFORE Us." Using Psalm 50 and 71, we seek to understand how God leads the way. Psalms 42-72 form the second “book” of Psalms. These psalms mirror the book of Exodus, the theme of a nation/people in ruin delivered by a God who rescues. This book, while mostly psalms of lament adds in praise psalms, beginning to lean into hope for a messianic kingdom.


On May 19 we focus on "God Is AROUND Us." Using Psalm 80 and 84, we strive to recognize God's omnipresence. Psalms 73-89 form the third “book” of Psalms. These psalms mirror the book of Leviticus, focusing on the worship of a God who alone is holy. This book is mostly praise with a few laments sprinkled in. Overall this book seeks to affirm hope for the messianic king that will come after their time in exile. 


On May 26 we focus on "God Is ABOVE Us." Using Psalm 96 and 103, we recognize God's omnipotence. Psalms 90-106 form the fourth “book” of Psalms. These psalms mirror the book of Numbers, focusing on Israel’s relation to the world and establishing God’s kingdom over all the earth. This book, composed mostly of psalms of praise, celebrates God as the King of all of creation. 


On June 2 we focus on "God Is AMONG Us." Using Psalm 113 and 139, we celebrate that God is with us always. Psalms 107-150 form the fifth “book” of Psalms. These psalms mirror the book of Deuteronomy, speaking of new beginnings and of captives returning home. This book, almost all psalms of praise, center on the Hallel and on the Songs of Ascent. Together these psalms speak of hope for the future. 

God's Favorite Playlist Slider.jpg
Home: Welcome


Mon: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tue: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wed: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thu: 8:30am - 12:30pm


Whether you've got a question about faith or the community, or we can assist you in any way, get in touch with us. We'd also be honored to pray for you or any concerns you might have.

10060 Foothill Dr, Piedmont, SD 57769, USA

(605) 787-4858

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