(605) 787-4858
Financial Peace University

Class Dates:
We will begin a new class on January 22, 2024!!
6:30 pm at
Grace UMC
Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University” is a world-renowned program that helps individuals and families with their financial world. If this class would benefit you and your family, we invite you to enroll in the next class.
Here are the topics for the nine sessions:
1) Super Saving 6) The Role of Insurance
2) Relating with Money 7) Retirement/College Planning
3) Cash Flow Planning 8) Real Estate/Mortgages
4) Dumping Debt 9) The Great Misunderstanding
5) Buyer Beware
For more information, click on the video link below.
If you have any questions, please call the church office
at 605-787-4858. Click the link below to register!