(605) 787-4858

Pastor John loves to teach and serve. Whether on Sunday mornings or in Bible studies or small groups, one cannot shake those old teacher roots. And whether in the community or on a mission trip, Pastor John loves to serve, being the hands and feet of Jesus to the world.

Office Administrator
If you call or visit Grace UMC you're likely to first encounter Phyllis. Taking care of day to day operations for the church, Phyllis's love for Jesus and our church community is infused into every phone call, bulletin, and conversation with people who stop by the church. Let Phyllis welcome you into our community and be prepared to meet a new friend.
Digital Campus Host
Kristin is the host of our newly forming digital campus. "Piedmont Valley Community Church" is an online Facebook group that seeks to develop disciples in new and innovative ways. Online conversation, study, and small groups for the heart of this outreach ministry.

Kristal Hamm
Youth Coordinator
Kristal is the Youth Leader at GUMC. She is a young mom with a passion for ministry and a heart for working with youth. Her favorite part of youth ministry is walking alongside the youth of the church helping them grow, both personally and spiritually. Kristal loves to teach the kids about loving God and loving and serving our neighbors.
Children's Ministry Coordinator
Brittany brings a wealth of ministry experience to our Children's Ministry program. Born and raised in the church, she has been a part of Sunday School and other children's ministries her whole life. Children's Church meets each week during our regular church service.

Financial Adminstrator
Tending to the important ministry of financial administration, Cindy understands the big picture of what the church is all about. Additionally, she serves the church behind the scenes-- helping look after some of our shut-ins and facilitating the work of our Kitchen Committee. Cindy is a helper and a beacon of light. Should you have the opportunity to visit with Cindy, God is sure to work through her to lift your spirit!
Tanya came to Grace this past year and has been an excellent addition to our staff. Her work ethic in amazing and she keeps our church looking great!!